• Capital Markets
  • Fund Management
  • Banking
  • Fintech



About Us



Capital Markets

Fund Management



  • Capital Markets
  • Fund Management
  • Banking
  • Fintech

Redefine your customer experience

Customers today expect your technology to work seamlessly and flawlessly.

They demand speed, simplicity and convenience to services

Delight your customers with a seamless trading experience

  • Offer your customers a single integrated account to trade multiple products such as Collateralized Trading, Share Margin Financing, Securities Borrowing & Lending and Contracts for Difference.
  • More than just a single logon to trade different products, P R I M E manages the customer's collateral centrally and dynamically to support the margin requirements for different products.
  • This maximizes his surplus collateral at any time and in turn maximizes his buying power for the next trade for all products. This empowers the customer to capture trading opportunities without worrying about collateral and limits transfer.

Customers who trade multiple products are more active and are your most profitable customers - generating both commission and interest revenues for you.

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Power revenue growth with new innovative offerings for your best customers

  • Empower your clients to capture short opportunities by borrowing online and short sell immediately.
  • Earn additional income for your clients by lending out their collateral.
  • Accept non-cash collateral for CFD.

Rise above the race to zero commission

  Deregulation and electronic trading have resulted in the commoditization of trading services and an irreversible downward trend in trading commissions. New online brokers are challenging incumbents to push commissions all the way to zero.

Strengthen the core and transform your cost model

  • Designed for "Zero Ops", PRIME enables financial institutions to digitize, automate & streamline their operations from front to back including corporate actions, collateral & margin management and regulatory reporting.

Diversify from commission-based to AUM-based revenue models

  • Grow financing income through leveraged products such as Share Margin Financing, Contracts for Difference, Securities Borrowing & Lending, Structured Loans, Exchange Traded Options.

Rein in Risk, Protect Profitability

Increased volatility in global markets has led to increased risk. This is aggravated by ineffective pre-trade checks and a lack of real-time marked-to-market view of both individual customer and firm wide exposure.

Gain effective pre-emptive control and avoid losses that can wipe out your profits

  • P R I M E computes in real-time the impact to the customer's overall margin requirement and collateral valuations across his positions for all products. The trade order is stopped if the customer does not have sufficient margin.
  • C‍‍redit managers normally monitors collateral concentration risks after the trade is done. They assess the concentration risk and if required, limit the collateral valuation by manually setting a quantity or value cap on the concentrated counter. This process is onerous and prone to error. With P R I M E ,  you can s‍‍et concentration limits based on exposure and enforce it pre-trade, not after the fact.

Get a real time bird's eye view of all your customers across all products in a single dashboard

  • At a glance, easily identify across all products.
  • Customers in margin call.
  • Your top customer and security exposures and if you should be worried about them

Scale Easily, Connect Seamlessly

Developed on an open and modular architecture, you can implement P R I M E in stages, module by module, without having to overhaul at one go your current legacy systems.

Like lego blocks

  • Mix and match to implement a specific system for products such as Share Margin Financing, Securities Borrowing & Lending or Contracts for Difference.
  • Implement specific modules such as corporate Actions or Centralized Risk Management by integrating into your existing production system.
  • P R I M E is designed to support open, real-time APIs for seamless integration with both internal and third party systems. APIs are available for most functions, including queries and updates for reference data, product parameters, transactions and positions.

Capital Markets